7 Skills you need to be successful in today’s workforce
This article aims as discussing the relevant skills and Competencies you need to excel at the Nigerian workplace. These attributes not only qualifies you for a job, promotion even if you possess high extensive experience or technical skills on the job.
Skill and competencies are great, but it’s imperative to not that soft skill and people skills are also important for ultimate success in the Nigerian work environment.
- People skills: these are skills that make you build a likeable personality in the workplace. These attribute and competences enable individual to play and work well with others in the workplace. These attribute usually come to inform of effective, accurate and persuasive communication which is important to be successful in today’s work environment.
- Communication skills: this is defined as your ability to communicate effectively is very important. It starts with the content of your CV. Effective communication includes in the work environment include applying right body language during a conversation, your listening skills, Good verbal and writing constructions and your Ability to demonstrate an understanding of a subject matter been discussed or which solution is required.
The benefits are quite enormous. Good communication skills will earn you the attention you need to strike a good deal in the work environment.
- Active listening skills: This involves understanding the difference between hearing your colleagues and actively listening to them. You shouldn’t just hear someone speak and start creating a response in your mind or even start talking, but rather actively listening to what they are trying to say without interruption, then take time to think based on what you’ve heard and then form a response before replying. This takes a long time in practice but produces an excellent result.
- Interest in your Team: People especially your team or colleagues know when you are genuinely interested in them. Showing interest means you should genuinely ask thoughtful questions about their work and life when necessary, your interaction can actually have an opposite effect to the one intended. Remember that names, dates and important life events like birthdays, marriage anniversary, family member birthdays, can have positive effects as it is an important skill in the today work environment
- Negotiation Skills: This is important skills in the Nigerian work environment because of it beneficial skills with both the internal and external discussion on the work environment. Internally negotiation varies across jobs offers and salaries. Externally includes negotiation between vendors, customers possessing these skills is important because it helps you become successful in the Nigerian work environment
- Problem-solving Skills: – This a great skills in the work environment, the solving problem makes you indispensable in the work environment it helps you take the pressure off your team, colleagues and boss.
- Leadership skills: – This is an important skill that would help a career in the Nigerian work environment grows. Motivating a team and help those around you do their best work can help you be more successful that’s part of what makes a leader.
Knowing how to conduct yourself in the Nigerian work environment with people sensitivity, understanding how to get things done, how people feel at work, their loyalty and contributions amongst other skills required to be successful in the Nigerian work environment.